We finally got to go to the beach this summer! Brian and I have been so busy at work we weren't sure we would get to go. I didn't get a chance to blog while we were there so now I'm making up for a whole week.

We didn't get alot of time on the beach since it rained most of the day. What a way to relax! Sitting on the balcony watching a thunderstorm roll over the ocean, nothing like it. Isabella slept alot this day. After the storm we went out and took some pics of Isabella on the beach. She was so sweet! The only way I could get her to pose and not worry about the sand was to play "pattycake". What ever works! At this point Isabella has been in the ocean a few times and I've noticed that her ankles, which are usually really torn up from her scratching her eczema look really good. Her calf which was also really bothering her was not itchy! Oh the healing powers of the ocean. That night we decided to stay in and eat. Again, Isabella ran a temp and was pretty fussy. She did not sleep well and ended up in bed with me for most of the night. The play yard that we used for a crib was not comfortable and I can't blame her for wanting to sleep elsewhere!

This morning we did our family pics. For Steve (my other brother), this was his last day. He had to make it back in time to pick up his step-daughter from school (because he really missed her)and make it to work. This was a better day as far as Isabella felt. Her tooth had finally broke thru so all is better right? By this point we have abandoned using her bathing suit and just let her play in her swim diaper. Two things we will never go to the beach without, 1.a tent, 2.a baby pool. We filled her baby pool up with water and put toys in and she was content to stay there for hours!! She even got in the ocean a few times and loved it! Again she slept in our bed most of the night.

Our last day! I got Isabella up and changed her diaper and...she has a rash all over her stomach. She had a few places that look like she is having a reaction so immediately I give her benadryl. She seems to feel better and the rash seems to get better. She played in her pool for a while and took a short nap at the beach. When she woke up the rash was back. I took her up and gave her a bath to cool her off and clean off anything she was having a reaction to. Then it hit me. Fever for about a week, cranky, loss of appetite, rash after fever broke... ROSELOA! I called her pediatrician and got a confirmation based on her symptoms. How awful do I feel?!! I have kept my baby, who has not felt good, out and about thinking all her symptoms we're based on her tooth. After she had her break out she seemed like a different baby! When we got home that night she was really excited to be home. We walked into her room and she had the biggest grin on her face and looked up at her light (which she is facinated with) and laughed. What a sweet joy! I miss the beach but it's so good to be home!
We left home and headed to Orange Beach, AL. I was really worried about the ride down. Isabella is not the best car rider and she had been running a low grade temp the day before, she is cutting another tooth. We decided to take a chance and go during the day instead of night since she tends to scream her head off at night. She was awesome!!! I sat in the back with her and she played, sang and watched her DVD's. We only had to stop 3 times to stretch and eat lunch and we made it in 4 1/2 hours which I think it pretty good considering we had a 9 month old! We got to the condo and ate dinner with my parents. Isabella was exhausted from riding all day and fell asleep at dinner. 

The first day on the beach Isabella was miserable! It was so hot and there really was no relief from the ocean or pool since it was like bath water. Later that night after dinner Isabella was really cranky. Again, she is cutting a tooth and it is really bothering her. When we made it back to the condo I felt her head and she was warm. I took her temp and it was 101! I gave her tylenol and after the 2nd dose the fever broke. Why do teeth have to be so rough? That day was also Jonathan's (my brother)24th Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE JONJON!
The first day on the beach Isabella was miserable! It was so hot and there really was no relief from the ocean or pool since it was like bath water. Later that night after dinner Isabella was really cranky. Again, she is cutting a tooth and it is really bothering her. When we made it back to the condo I felt her head and she was warm. I took her temp and it was 101! I gave her tylenol and after the 2nd dose the fever broke. Why do teeth have to be so rough? That day was also Jonathan's (my brother)24th Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY UNCLE JONJON!
We didn't get alot of time on the beach since it rained most of the day. What a way to relax! Sitting on the balcony watching a thunderstorm roll over the ocean, nothing like it. Isabella slept alot this day. After the storm we went out and took some pics of Isabella on the beach. She was so sweet! The only way I could get her to pose and not worry about the sand was to play "pattycake". What ever works! At this point Isabella has been in the ocean a few times and I've noticed that her ankles, which are usually really torn up from her scratching her eczema look really good. Her calf which was also really bothering her was not itchy! Oh the healing powers of the ocean. That night we decided to stay in and eat. Again, Isabella ran a temp and was pretty fussy. She did not sleep well and ended up in bed with me for most of the night. The play yard that we used for a crib was not comfortable and I can't blame her for wanting to sleep elsewhere!
This morning we did our family pics. For Steve (my other brother), this was his last day. He had to make it back in time to pick up his step-daughter from school (because he really missed her)and make it to work. This was a better day as far as Isabella felt. Her tooth had finally broke thru so all is better right? By this point we have abandoned using her bathing suit and just let her play in her swim diaper. Two things we will never go to the beach without, 1.a tent, 2.a baby pool. We filled her baby pool up with water and put toys in and she was content to stay there for hours!! She even got in the ocean a few times and loved it! Again she slept in our bed most of the night.
Our last day! I got Isabella up and changed her diaper and...she has a rash all over her stomach. She had a few places that look like she is having a reaction so immediately I give her benadryl. She seems to feel better and the rash seems to get better. She played in her pool for a while and took a short nap at the beach. When she woke up the rash was back. I took her up and gave her a bath to cool her off and clean off anything she was having a reaction to. Then it hit me. Fever for about a week, cranky, loss of appetite, rash after fever broke... ROSELOA! I called her pediatrician and got a confirmation based on her symptoms. How awful do I feel?!! I have kept my baby, who has not felt good, out and about thinking all her symptoms we're based on her tooth. After she had her break out she seemed like a different baby! When we got home that night she was really excited to be home. We walked into her room and she had the biggest grin on her face and looked up at her light (which she is facinated with) and laughed. What a sweet joy! I miss the beach but it's so good to be home!
Sweet memories...Isabella is a doll!
ReplyDeletelooks like a good time! i am looking forward to interacting with Hannah but i am not wishing this sweet quiet time away yet. Isabella is so precious! Love yall! Come visit soon.