Wednesday, September 2, 2009

We can have wheat again!

Sunday, the 30th was Isabella's 10 month birthday! My, how time has flown! Here are some of the things she is currently doing:
Sitting up by herself, rolling across the room (still refusing to crawl), scooting on her bottom, jabbering all the time, saying dada and FINALLY mama, trying to hold her sippy cup, and making the transition to solid foods. She wakes up every morning with the biggest smile on her face and starts my day off bright! She loves to snuggle at night before she goes to sleep. She only wants a bath in the big bathtub so she can scoot around and make big messes splashing. She has got to be the sweetest, funniest baby there is!

I'm trying to get some ideas for her 1st birthday. Right now I am smocking her dress and I will have some pics of the progress to post later. I have also been toying with some cake recipes which brings me to my next topic:

Yesterday we went to see Dr. Larussa (the allergist) for Isabella's check up. She has done so well with eating new foods and has not had a break out in weeks (I am knocking on wood) or needed any Benadryl. Her pediatrician recommended a while back to start giving her foods to pick up and feed her self. Well, besides cooked and chopped fruits and veggies, the only other thing I could think of (to give her some variety) was puffs. Unfortunately they contain wheat. Dr. Larussa said that since wheat was one of her lowest allergies she can try some as long as eggs, milk or peanuts were not in it! This is such a blessing because that has been the hardest thing to avoid since it's basically in everything! Now Isabella has gotten some puffs close but not quite in her mouth yet and she is having a great time trying! He also gave her some new creams for her skin because her eczema is really acting up right now. She is also starting on Zyrtec to help with the itching. She is so good at taking her medicine! She sits on the counter and opens right up! This will also be the first time she will get a flu shot. Since she has an allergy to eggs she will have to go in prepped with benadryl and plan on staying after to make sure she does not have a bad reaction (the flu shots have egg ingredients in the preservatives). This worries me but so does the flu. When it comes in a few weeks from now we will see how it goes.

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